Dan Smith attended and graduated from St. Michael's Choir School, Toronto Ontario, 1960-1971.
In later years, his three sons attended and Dan became Principal of the School for a period of time.
He was Cantor/Guitarist at the 9:00 p.m. Mass at St. Michael's Cathedral for 46 years.
Other Parish involvements, during that time, included Annunciation, Blessed Trinity, St Patricks (Mississauga), St Dominics, Our Lady of Sorrows and Precious Blood. Dan composed, recorded and performed on the music CD's for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Education Programs, "Born of the Spirit" and for the Pearson Canada School programs, "Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ".
He was a committee member and music contributor for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) Catholic Book of Worship II and III Hymnals.
Dan is a Catholic School Educator having served as Classroom Teacher, Vocal Music Teacher, Religious Education Resource Teacher, Vice-Principal and Principal for 35 years. Following that he was a Liaison for Catholic Education for the Archdiocese of Toronto for 8 years.
Currently, Dan is Cantor/Guitarist/Choir leader at Our Lady of Grace Parish in Aurora Ontario. He can also be seen as Cantor on the Daily TV Mass at dailytvmass.com
The Dan Smith Collection Album
Dan's music invites the listener to hear the Gospel stories and biblical prayers in a new way.
Dan paints personal portraits of the Prodigal Son, the disciples on the road to Emmaus and John the Baptist, as well as giving living lyrical interpretation to the Psalmist's prayers.
Live Peacefully
This Is the Lamb
There Is a Light
One Last Gift
Thank You Lord
Love Live with You
Lord's Prayer
Taste and See
On My Way
John the Baptist
Stranger in Town
Anima Christi
Now That I've Seen You
Save Me, Use Me
When the Seed Is Planted
"The Dan Smith Collection" from the vinyl recording "When the Seed is Planted" 1977, and Cassette recording "The Dan Smith Collection" 1991.
Composed and Recorded by Dan Smith.
Released April 18 2022 on Youtube music, Spotify, itunes, Apple and Amazon music, and others.
*There is a Light composed by his friend Frank Lynch.
Dan Smith Advent Christmas
Celebrate the joyous seasons of Advent and Christmas with beautiful arrangements of these classic Christian hymns. These selections have proven to be a valuable resource to Schools, for Mass and all types of community gatherings. And of course, simply enjoyed by individuals and families as they gather during this special time of year.
Dan Smith's music, fashioned from the word of God and lived through his Canadian experience, invites the listener to hear the Gospel stories and biblical prayers in a new way. Dan paints personal portraits of the Prodigal Son, the men on the road to Emmaus and John the Baptist, as well as giving living lyrical interpretation to the Psalmist's prayers. We hope these encourage the listener to meditation and participation. The Collection is from the vinyl recording "When the Seed is Planted" 1977, the Cassette recording "The Dan Smith Collection" 1991, and the bonus tracks are from the CD recording "Stand by Me" 1996. A catechetical program produced by CCCB Publications. Used with Permission.
The Dan Smith Children's Collection is a selection of songs by Dan Smith, Angelo Oddi, and other contributors from the "Born of the Spirit" Sound Recordings. A catechetical program produced by CCCB Publications,* each of the songs are composed to reflect and reinforce, in a musical, memorable and lighthearted way, each of the lesson's main themes. The program and the songs were developed for all primary school aged children to know and understand that they are made in God's image, are members of a faith family and the Catholic Church, as well as to introduce them to the presence of God as a part of their daily lives, as reflected through their friends, family, environment, celebrations, and communities.
*Early Childhood,1992, Year 1, 1994, Year 2, 1995
Welcome, Hello
My Body, Your Body
Trees, Trees, Trees
Me, Me, Me
Birthday Polka
Walking towards Christmas
Praise God for New Life
In the Blue Sea
Crayons, Jelly Beans, Ice Cream
Hooray for Senses
People in Our Community
Circle of Friends
I Belong
Let the Children Come to Me
Shalom, My Friends
Look What's Growing
Good News
I Will Follow the Good Shepherd
God Cares
Everybody Come and Share
Glory Be
We Have Alleluia
Words and Music by Dan Smith and Angelo Oddi
Words and Music by Concacan Good News, God Cares
Words by Concacan Me, Me, Me, Walking toward Christmas
Music by Dennis Soncin In the Blue Sea
Arranged, Recorded and Produced by Angelo Oddi Angelooddi.com
"Born of the Spirit" Sound Recordings. A catechetical program produced by CCCB Publications
Copyright @ Concacan Inc. 1992, 1994, 1995. Used with permission cccb.ca